Individual Services
Private Pilates Sessions -
Align your self with customized sessions tailored towards your goals. We can chat and design a program designed just for you! This is best if you have any injuries or chronic pain.
Semi Privates Pilates sessions -
Intimate as a private, but for 2 participants! More cost effective and these classes can come in a packaged program too!
Nutrition solutions -
If you want to make some real changes, we have to be brutally honest about how you eat! In addition, I can assist with a gut cleanse. This is a gut cleanse where you can eat real foods, not just a juice diet. Cleansing the gut is essential during these times as our food system is toxic. .You will feel better & have more energy. Click here to learn more.
Leadership coaching - Get wealthy while being healthy, do more of what you love and work less! Listen to an opportunity to earn extra residual income in your spare time. I will mentor and show you how to gain financial peace with our guided system.
Book a call by clicking below and you can get some clarity on what is best for you
“The Pilates Method teaches you to be in control of your body and not at its mercy.”